Board and Committies
In this section you will find information about the people behind the study association Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Here you can read more about the board, its members and its tasks. AvL also has 3 committees, Studytour, Eduboard and Activity Committy. These are introduced to you at the bottom of the page.
The 19th board
of Study Association Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Responsibilities as board
As the (part time) board of AvL you have weekly meetings of about two hours where you discuss everything that needs to be done to:
Guide the committees;
Keep in contact with companies, the TU Delft and other societies, and
Set up inhouse days, case-studies, lunch lectures and quarter starters (drinks).
There is always room for extra events that can be education-, career- or social- oriented.
Next to these weekly meetings it takes roughly one afternoon a week for more executive tasks. How
much time is needed for this is very function dependent and varies throughout the quarter. In the beginning of each quarter there are more events than near the exams.
The board guides three committees, being the eduboard, studytour and activity committee. For each of the committees there is one board member that also visits their meetings.
The board is also responsible for the entire introduction week in the first week of september for the new master students. This is a two-week full time task.
As the board you spend more time with each other than you would do as a committee member, resulting in your board members becoming close friends.
Commities of AvL
AvL has 3 active committees that all carry very different tasks. These committee members all commit 1 year to fulfilling these tasks. In addition, the committees consist of fun groups that also do a lot of fun things together! When composing the committees, an attempt is made to have an even split between BME and BMD students. The committees are all supported by 2 board members of AvL.
- Committee interest -
Do you want to join a committee?